Which motion design for your company’s message?
Bringing your message to life on graphic media means making it accessible to the masses, simply and enjoyably. Motion design is just as useful for your internal as for your external communication, and it can also fulfil an educational or marketing dimension. Our aim is to illustrate your message and to animate it in a fun and original way.
Educational Video
Motion design can be used to present any type of entity: an organisation, a product, a function… Thanks to simple illustrations recognisable to all, it is an easy means to explain anything to your viewers so that they will keep key information in mind.
A motion design educational video is an entertaining and engaging way to convey a clear, simple and effective message. All the information needed by the viewer is summed up in this tutorial video format with an accessible and easy-to-understand message.
Festive Video
To actively stay in contact with your partners, clients or team, it’s important to celebrate good times together! Christmas, New Year, company events… We can create customised animation videos that will bring you closer to your community!
A motion design video is a good way to reinforce your brand’s image and to get closer to your clients. By posting such videos on your social networks or your website, you get the chance to strengthen your presence and to communicate effectively. This video format is also a good way to bring a human dimension to your company.
Social Network Video
Regular communication on social networks is essential for generating engagement from members of your community. Producing motion design content not only enables you to capture their attention easily but also to construct your brand identity through a design specific to your company.
Short, aesthetic content stirs up enthusiasm and more easily converts web surfers into clients. Also, the use of motion design allows you to diversify your posts and stories — this way, you can alternate a range of formats so that your followers don’t get bored.