Legal Mention

This website “”* is owned by the company PIX PILOT:

Company registration number (SIRET): 834 596 736 R.C.S Versailles

Legal status: simplified joint-stock company with a sole associate

The website design, as well as the texts, images, sounds, and all other elements composing the website, are the sole property of Pix Pilot.

French legislation on copyright and intellectual property applies to the entire site. It also applies to the databases appearing on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1st July 1998 (article L.112-3).

Any partial or otherwise reproduction of content from this website, by any process or on any support whatsoever, is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition shall be deemed an act of counterfeiting which may incur the counterfeiter’s civil and criminal liability.

Violation of these stipulations constitutes an act of counterfeiting punishable, under the terms of Article L.335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property, by 2 years’ imprisonment and a €150,000 fine.

The brandnames mentioned on this website have been registered by the companies to which they belong. Pix Pilot accepts no liability regarding the content of websites that may be reached by hypertext links from the website “”*.

* : Lien site motion vidéo (exemple site détourer photo)